Apart from having team of two shelter and two found cats, our longterm goal is financial, material and media support for local cat shelters.
Manytimes, we visited cat exhibitions, concerts and parties with our beneficial stand collecting money for cat shelters. In the history of Holocats project from 2013, we collected (with the help of our customers and friends!) tens of thousands CZK for sheltered cats:
We have raised more than 40 000 CZK for cat shelters in between 2013 and 2019.
10 500 CZK in 2020,
16 000 CZK in 2021,
28 000 CZK in 2022,
10 000 CZK in 2023 and
12 000 CZK in 2024.
Making videos, posters or other promotional material for cat sanctuaries is always pleasure for us: 2023, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016 or 2015.
We are supporting: kocicidomovslunicko.cz, srdcemprokocky.cz, santakocici.cz.
We also support castration programme - kasprocats.cz